Foundation techniques for limited working room,
foundation piles using small rigs b.v. is specialised in executing piling techniques for cases, where it is impossible to use the normal big piling rigs due to limited room or access. Vibration free techniques and techniques with low vibration level are used. b.v. is able to carry out big projects within a small period using several piling rigs. Also jacking projects are performed.

Generally the foundation is designed in cooperation in order to make optimal use of the possibilities of these special piling techniques and of the specific experience in these projects.

The piling techniques used can be executed at working heights from 0,8 m and at access from 0,5 x 0,5 m.

Examples of applications:

  • underpinning;
  • machinery foundations;
  • industrial floors;
  • piles under existing viaducts;
  • strengthening foundations for instance to put an extra storey on top of a building;
  • repair of the foundations of old churches;
  • execution of piles between buildings (limited room);
  • jacking up structures;
  • small projects near houses.

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this machine drills piles, vibration free